Thick Vegetable Soup

“Diana’s recipes and expert nutritional insight have revolutionised my eating habits – enabling me to manage my weight and importantly my energy levels.  I am not a confident cook, but I find Diana’s recipes are easy to follow and quick.  Many of her meals can be frozen which is invaluable for me as I spend a lot of time travelling and the range enables me to eat healthy versions of my favourite foods -try the muffins!”

Becky  S   May 2011
Cooking for Pleasure and Health





I can’t recommend Diana’s meal plans and recipes highly enough. I was fortunate to come across Diana when I attended a residential boot camp almost two years ago. At that time she wrote a food plan for me after a consultation meeting to take in to account my pitfalls, likes, dislikes etc and she provided me with some wonderful advice and a 7 day recipe plan to follow. I subsequently had another residential boot camp where I purchased further recipes from her. Needless to say I still use them frequently – they are all very quick and easy with readily available ingredients but oh so tasty. I know when I stick to her recipes and guidelines I feel so much better – full of energy and vitality and the weight drops off. Many can be batch made and frozen so there isn’t that last minute panic of needing to make something – saves grabbing a less than healthy alternative! She is always great for any further advice too. Go on if you are looking here you must be keen – you won’t regret it.

Karen Chaudhry, Cambs.  Jan 2012