Regular meals and snacks every 3 to 4 hours to:

Balance Blood Sugar Levels providing a steady supply of glucose to your body throughout the day. When we allow our BSL to dip through missing meals not only does it leave us feeling tired and irritable but also results in cravings and poor food choices.

Boost Metabolism allowing your body to turn calories into energy at a faster rate


Complex Carbohydrates (wholegrains, fruit & veg) that release their energy slowly into the bloodstream helping Spicy Bean Burger with Fresh Saladyou to feel fuller for longer and control your appetite

Protein to help maintain muscle mass (the amount of muscle tissue you have determines your metabolism), sustain energy levels and encourage fat to be burnt as an energy source

Essential Fats (nuts, seeds and oily fish) vital for our well being including brain and nerve function and balancing hormones

A large variety of foods needed to provide the complex mixture of nutrients to achieve optimum health

PORTION CONTROLCooking for Pleasure and Health

Your Meal Plan does initially involve some weighing and measuring with the ultimate aim of change of habits and visual adjustment to suitable portion sizes


Your Meal Plan is based around foods you like to ensure that it is sustainable and enjoyable